Monday, April 6, 2009

Bella's Ouch

We thought we would take Bella for a walk yesterday between conference sessions. We walked through the local elementary playground and started playing on the slides. Michael even took Bella down the slide with him. After a while Bella thought it was fun to go up the stairs on the playground equipment and then jump off. Well after she had done that a few times, I noticed blood on the wood chips. I realized, of course, that Bella was bleeding. Everywhere. We thought we better take her home to clean her up. I have never seen a dog bleed so bad. We had blood on us, and on our clothes. She was bleeding from her front left paw, and she just kept running like she couldn't feel it. Every time she take off again, she'd spray blood all over her stomach and back legs. By the time we got her home, she was black and white and red all over. At home, we finally figured out exactly where the blood was coming from: she had somehow ripped her toenail out. So we had to give her a bath, her second of the day, because she even smelled like blood. We bandaged her foot, not necessarily because we thought that would help her paw, but mainly so she wouldn't bleed all over the house.

You can see that her toe nail on the right is much higher than the left.

This hurts!!
All better bandage high-five!!!!!

This was from this morning, all morning she has been holding her foot. I do feel bad because she hasn't acted herself but she is so funny. It's like she is trying to milk it. And she has been very calm today and cuddly.


John-David and Kathryn said...

That has got to hurt. I feel bad for the little lady.

Andy & Alicia said...

I'm happy you found me! Now we can be blog buddies :)