Sunday, April 5, 2009

And through door number....

We have a lot of mixed feelings this weekend. We got word from both Des Moines University and Kirksville College of Medicine. It seems we struck out. I was outright denied at Kirksville, where I thought the interview went well and felt I had good chance, and wait-listed at DMU. While the wait list is not a straight denial, it basically means I don’t have a chance there either, as their class is filled and interviews are still ongoing. That means a few selected students will get “accepted pending a seat” and should space open up, those applicant will go first.
I still have an interview scheduled at Midwestern in Phoenix, and can only hope for the best. My faith is waning. Technically, I still have open applications at Penn State and Drexel (both in Pennsylvania), and have been told by both universities that my application is still being considered. It’s just too late to hold my breath.

Needless to say, we are frustrated. The whole situation tastes slightly more bitter considering I declined a seat at Rocky Vista College of Medicine in Denver. It’s hard to look back and wonder if we made the right decision. We were forced to make a choice within two weeks of receiving the acceptance letter, and had to make a $2,000 deposit within a month of the acceptance. The problem was that I had interviews schedule at DMU and Kirksville after that month, and deposits are non-refundable. We just didn’t have that money to burn and never felt very comfortable with Rocky Vista (there is a lot of boring politic stuff involved), so I withdrew my application.

It is hard to say for sure, but if was to get a do-over, I think I may still decline Rocky Vista. All medical schools are not created equal. I did see a lot of promise in Rocky Vista (the school is less than one year old) and it may become an excellent university. I just couldn’t justify coughing up $250,000 while there is still a chance it could fail (especially considering the politics I mentioned earlier). There are still some wrinkles to be ironed out. If I were single and my decisions only affected me, maybe, but the gamble was too great for my wife and (soon-to-arrive) child.

While I am not giving up on the medical school options I have left, we are taking a hard look at what to do next. I don’t think I’m going to reapply, but I haven’t shut that door yet. Maybe not this year, but in another year or two, maybe I’ll be re-inspired.
I am also considering pursuing a master’s or doctorate degree, most likely in biochemistry, but it may be too late to get accepted into a class this year. I’m checking out the options and making contacts currently.

And, of course, I am in a career-type position currently, doing research for Recapture Metals, Inc. in Blanding. I have enjoyed the job, and have been told that I have a future with the company. All things considered, it may not be bad to settle in and enjoy the good hours and enjoyable work.

It feels like an old game show, where I have to decide if I want to give up my pretty nice prizes to open a mystery door. That door could either contain the beautiful new car, or maybe just a flowery tea kettle. I hope you understand the analogy.
Suggestions are welcome.

1 comment:

Sean Hurst said...

That's too bad. As my mom would say, looks like it wasn't supposed to be. If the last option worked out, that would be great. If not, the Lord is watching out for you either way.