Sunday, February 28, 2010


Children's Museum (it was free) 2/5/2010Michael winning us stuff!!
McKay playing

2/12/2010Ready for the beach!!
Crab bum!!
Valentine Care Package from Grandma Nielson 2/12/2010I'll just chew it open!
Ms. Nosey!!
Snuggle puppy!!

2/13/2010Looks pretty good!! I think to myself.
This is hard work.
Pat, Pat, Pat

McKay even did some toe painting.

He even painted Bella, I guess she got to close to the table.
And he got mommy too. I guess thats what I get for trying to help.

McKay has bee getting so big. I can't given kept up sometimes. This month he turned 7 months old and on Feb. 20 he was done with rolling (the McKay Maneuver) and just started frog hopping everywhere.