Sunday, March 21, 2010

Wild weekend

So Michael's brother came to visit us expectingly on Friday, because all the kids wanted to do was go swimming. And we have a pool. But we also took them to a baseball game Friday night. (We used the tickets Michael won.)

The crew minus Michael...

Just let me get a quick drink and I'll be right back in there coach..

McKay and Kaleb sizing each other up..
McKay, practicing his dive back into first...( he crawls now)

Kaleb and Daddy at the ball game.

Then on Saturday we took them to the Desert Botanical Gardens. With our culture passes. Things are even better when they are free.
Carter and Sydney.
Some beautiful girls in some pretty nice scenery.
(Deb and Sydney.)

There were several painters at the Botanical gardens. The kids really enjoyed watching them work.

Finally the kids got to go swimming after we hauled them all over Phoenix.

Sydney swimming.
Carter Swimming.
Kaleb floating.
Michael and McKay swimming.
Then we had a little BBQ. It was a fun but very busy weekend. Hope everyone had a good time.

McKay being cute! This is from the day before.

Friday, March 19, 2010


What is this, my cell phone hits two years and it falls apart? It’s been fine! GRRR!! Michael and I have been talking about how we really don’t want to renew our contract. We thought we could see how long before we had to. Well looks like we got our answer!! Dumb phones!! I can’t even get a text out before it shuts down. Not happy not happy at all!!

UPDATE: 3/23/2010

So for the past few days my phone has been fine. It hasn't turned it's self off without warning since Saturday. Will see how long it lasts.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Now that I'm all caught up with my blogs, that feels good. I realize we have been busy. Now I don't have anything to blog about. Ok that's not ever true. Biggest loser, my husband's great idea!! I'll tell you more later but not tonight.

Flirty Aprons GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!

Flirty Aprons GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's day!!!

I didn't do much for St. Patrick's day this year. Put some treats in Michael's backpack. Played a few leprechaun tricks on Michael. Like having his toe nails painted green and finger. He didn't notice, good thing I told him before he walked out the door for school.Made my green bread. This is what was left of it. I didn't even get up and make breakfast, like I planned. I was so tired from staying up so late working on the boys shirts. I even forgot to make me one, duh!! I did buy lucky charm cereal the night before so at least Michael had something fun.
McKay's shirt and socks didn't come out. Maybe better luck next year. I'm not good at tie-dying.
This little boy did not want to stay still.
Some friends invited to have dinner with them, it was a lot of fun. We ate corn beef and cabbage, potatoes, rolls and Jello. and chocolate cake. I think we had a good day.

The only thing I'm disappointed about is not one of my sister's called and sang me the St. Patrick's day song. I know they are busy but I missed it.
Oh and I forgot to put out a little game for Michael. Maybe some other time!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cuts for kids

Last night, Michael was helping with Cut for Kids: Locks of Love. You could get a haircut for $15 (or a free haircut, if you donated your ponytail). I think they got like 81 ponytails and 1,200 inches of hair. The students had booths up with free stuff --like toothbrushes. You could get a pepper plant (and pot it yourself!), popcorn, bottled drinks, snow cones, cotton candy, yogurt, and the list goes on.

They also had a raffle drawing, with tons of stuff, such as a bowling night, mini-golf, facials, hair-cuts, tickets to a baseball games, cooking stuff -- I think there was like 50 things.

We bought ten tickets, and I gave Michael one (how nice of me!). I put most of my tickets in for the mini-golf family pack and bowling. Michael put his single ticket in for a baseball game and ... he wins. It was tickets to a spring training game. He also won the State Farm drawing and won their gift bag. It had a soccer ball, baseball cap, a road atlas (that was pretty cool) and other State Farm tagged paraphernalia. No money, though... The funny thing is he was telling me how he never wins anything and he was the unluckiest person he knows. Whatever dear! It was fun. They even gave out Chipotle burritos.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Working on potty training??1

Look out, look who found the toilet. I thought it would be at least a few more months!!
He always gets this big happy smile when I tell him no!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring break!!

Now that we have been home from Spring break for a week now --

We had a pretty good spring break. We didn't do much. We drove to Blanding on Friday, spent the night, and then headed up to Salt Lake for my nephew Colton's 1st birthday. The theme was Mickey Mouse club house. It was fun, and – my favorite part – there was a chocolate fountain (so good). I think I made myself sick.

We stayed in Salt Lake until Wednesday, with all these big plans to do stuff with friends, but of course you can't go on vacation and have a good time unless you get sick. Poor Michael was stuck at home with sick me. McKay even got sick.

We went back to Blanding Thursday morning. McKay got some nasty eye cold thing that wouldn't go away. The poor thing couldn't even sleep so that Friday morning we were lucky enough to get an appointment that morning. We made a doctor’s appointment with the doctor that delivered McKay. It was so good to see him. I wish there was more doctors like him, you know, that actually listens to the patient. Once we got some drops, McKay’s eyes looked so much better. Also it was nice that our doctor visit didn't even cost us our first born. Cause we had to pay out of pocket because we were out of state.

Then Saturday night we had a baby blessing, for Michael’s new nephew Hinckley, which included a nice cake and ice cream serving. On Sunday, we went to church and made the long trek home.

It was lots of fun to see everyone -- and play games, which is something we miss doing a lot. When we lived in Blanding we would play games every Sunday night.

McKay learned a lot, he got faster with his frog hop, and learned to feed himself very well just in one week. We didn't have a highchair so when we went to Grandma LarnaJeano's house and Grandma Nielson’s house, a whole new world opened up -- filled with cheerios and other great things for McKay to master putting in his mouth. So when we got home from vacation we looked and looked for a used high-chair and finally we just decided to bite-the-bullet and get a new one at Wal-Mart: the space-saver high chair. McKay loves it. OK, he loves when food is placed on his tray. And he loves to feed himself. Since we have been home he pulls himself up on almost everything and even has started crawling, but he is still much faster when he uses “the hop.”

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Playing in the shower!

What are you doing??
Just helping myself to the shower!! (He thinks he is such a big kid, going anywhere he likes!!)
What's the point in buying toys, he rather play with the shower drain.