Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter in Phoenix Part 1

Here are some pictures from Easter.Easter package McKay got from Grandma Nielson on Friday.

Bella always has to check things out. There might be something for her. Or she will just steal McKay's easter eggs.

He got a new bunny! He loves soft animals.
I gave him a goldfish cracker, this is his dislike face.

Saturday morning we went to Michael's school, every year they do big easter egg hunts for the kids. It was a lot of fun. I love their events.
McKay was so funny. While we were waiting for the' grabbing' to begin, he kept crawling for all the eggs. When it was time to actually go he crawled a little sat down and started bawling as the 2 -3 years ran pass.
His bum says Lil' Chick!
This little boy is in our ward. He kept running in the middle of the eggs, like most of the kids.

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