Sunday, November 7, 2010


I should up because I'm taking care of a newborn, instead I'm up in the middle of the night because I can't sleep but whats new.

I should be so dead tired because I have two kids.

I should be wondering how I'm going to make it with two babies under the age of two, instead I'm wondering how I'm going to make it without him.

We should be buying two sizes of diapers.

We should be late to things because we have two kids.

I should be happy and not care that my friends and family are pregnant, but instead it hurts and I get easily hurt by how insensitive people can be to me.

I should be happy and grateful that I have two healthy boys, instead I get to wonder what I did to deserve this.

Instead I get to worry about if I'll ever want to get pregnant again. Because it will be the longest 9 months of my life, hoping and praying that I'll even get 9 months with my baby.


Spencer and Heather Riddle said...

I'm here for you Christina. You are such a courageous woman and I can't imagine what you have gone through. Hang in there!

AggieMay said...

I love you Christina. It sucks that you have to go through this. I wish I could take some of your pain away. I wish I could even just be there to give you a big fat hug and a bar of chocolate. But maybe a little message on the blog will have to suffice for now. Love from Logan (brr it's cold here)

the joys of love said...

Thank you for posting this. Your emotions are so real and it can be so good for you to write them out. It is all part of the healing process, which I am sure can have so many difficult moments. My heart aches for you, and I pray that the Lord will give you his comfort and peace through this difficult time in your life. I think of you guys often and you are in our prayers continuously. Let me know if you ever need someone to talk to, or if you ever want some time alone I would be more than happy to watch McKay so you can relax.


Cambric said...

im sorry for your pain. i have no idea how you are feeling and cant even begin to imagine. know that you are loved and even though it hurts you will get through this. <3 you chica!!!