Monday, November 8, 2010

So I guess it's our anniversary ?

So Michael came home with a plant and a card that said "Happy anniversary!" Missed the memo. We have this debate every year. When did we start dating? Well it was sometime between the middle of Oct and the end of Nov. Because right before I left home for Thanksgiving break, he told me he loved me. I thought he was crazy. I barely knew this kid.
So I guess we picked a middle ground 6 years ago. Nov. 8

It wasn't until January we had our first kiss.
In March he told me, "I will marry you." I laughed, "What ever." It took me a few years to realize I wanted to marry him and he was right. I guess it's good i'm so forgetful, so he can surprise me each year!


The Johnson Family said...

Yeah, you still were in denial when you were engaged too. Your family didn't believe it until the day you got married. Ha! Happy Anniversary

V Shelton said...

I remembered the way Michael looked at you, I always knew you two would end up together!!

The Robert A. Meier Family said...

The best is when you guys tired to sneak the wedding plans past us, but nobody was supposed to know because you were dating. Glad it all worked out.