Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dangling baby

So I just went to the store to buy another toy for McKay, because I am desperate to keep him calm and quiet for a moment. As some for you might not know McKay screams most of the day, because he suffers from reflux and Colic. And because of those things he doesn't take naps, which leaves me with one cranky baby, which makes for very long days. We have taken him to the doctor without much success. I felt like the doctor didn’t take us seriously. “Oh another parent who can’t handle a little fussy baby. Parents these days, don’t they know baby fuss?” Yes I know babies fuss, I just had no idea it would be this much. And he would scream bloody murder most of the day.

They did put him on something for his reflux, but it hasn’t made much of a difference. We did see a moment of happiness for about 4 days. We have tried other things Mylicon, Gripe water, Tylenol (because we thought maybe he was teething), crazy diets (like not eating dairy, fruits, spaghetti sauce). But nothing seems to help. I really don't like giving him a bunch of junk, but what else can you do?) Hopefully he will just grow out of soon. If anyone has any ideas, I’m game.

But this is beside the point. So I bought a door jumper. I thought he would like it because today he just wanted me to hold him up so he could stand. Well after a while of getting kicked and my arms got tried I had a better idea. He liked it for all of ten minutes. I think Bella thinks it’s really a new toy for her. Luckily it didn't cost too much and I got it at a second hand store.

I put the box under him because the jumper was too high and he doesn't weigh enough to reach the floor, also I couldn't figure out how to lower it. Don't worry it's not like he is going to hang himself. That thought came to me when I was putting the box under him. I feel like I'm setting up for a hanging. Sometimes I don't know what to do with Bella, she is a funny dog. She kept pawing a McKay so it was pushing him. Whatever keeps those two entrained! I think he just liked dangling there.

1 comment:

Andy & Alicia said...

I'm sorry he's so fussy. That would be so hard. Sometimes doctors are stupid and don't look into each person's situation and instead they just think every problem is the same as the last one that came in. Sorry, I don't have any suggestions to help out.