Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday Afternoon Fun!

OK, so I wanted some grand blog post. This isn't really it, but it's time to post something new. I just keep getting further behind.

We have had a lot of new things happen in the last few weeks. We went back to Arizona, we moved into a house, we had to pay a lot of money to get out of an apartment, Michael started his second year of Medical school, and we still have to decide if we are going to be moving again in 9 months (that has to be decided in the next 4 days). That's just to name a few things.

Anyway, I will start off with today:

We went to church this morning. Going to church has been really hard lately. It's an emotional roller coaster every week. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but very draining by the end of the day.

That aside -- on to the cute stuff! So there's not much to do on Sunday afternoon. We got spoiled in Utah with cousins every Sunday night. I really wasn't going to let McKay get to wet, because it's Sunday. Bella, McKay and I were just playing in the backyard. I got a Tupperware tub and filled it with water. I thought McKay could just splash in it and I could put my feet in -- because it is HOT!! Well, McKay had other plans, he hopped in and thought it was a pool party. Oh well!

I was done being outside and McKay was soaked. I started taking his diaper off, but it was too late. Michael informed it was poopy. So I really couldn't put it back on. I didn't want to carry a bare-bottomed poopy boy back in the house, either. So.........

I just sprayed him down with the hose! The best part: He thought it was fun. By the way, hose water in Arizona is NOT cold.


Cambric said...

omg he is getting so big! cute pictures!!! way to go momma!

Brie Wheelwright said...

Love the pictures, he is so cute!
As far as rotations go, my advice would be to try and stay in the West Valley. That's the rotation that Steve got and he really likes it so far. He does have to go to Sierra Vista next month but a few of the rotations have to do things like that. And originally it was supposed to be Tucson, then Cottonwood, now Sierra Vista. Good luck deciding!

Andy & Alicia said...

He is so big and so cute! I love the naked bum pictures. I'm dying of heat in Blanding, so I can only imagine how hot you guys must be in Arizona.

Cat said...

what a little cutie! I had to spray kade off once this summer too lol. Good luck with the decision making!

John-David and Kathryn said...

I like your soaking tub. That's a definite bonus.