Thursday, August 13, 2009

Good morning, maybe not so much!

My son decided to start the day off early like 3:30 am early. ( I know babies get up in the middle of the night, but he doesn’t want to go back asleep.) So we are just hanging out. I think he is asleep now in his swing, and I think he will stay there for the rest of the night because if I move him he will wake up. So I will put the monitor on and crawl back into my bed for a few hours. And hope he stays asleep.


The Johnson Family said...

yeah get used to it that happen to me when Morgan didn't want to go back to sleep I watched a lot of informercials didn't have a lot of station to chose from. Get some more pictures of that kid on the blog so we can see what he looks like now!!

John-David and Kathryn said...

I remember those days and I have to say they aren't the best however they will get better and he will eventually get into a routine. Your house we'll be unpacked eventually but you can't relive these days with your first baby ever again. Hang in there. You will survive!!!