Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Want Baby Sister!

Well, the truth is: we were told this baby was a boy several weeks ago while Christina was having some additional testing done. At that time, the doctor said he was about 95% sure it was a boy. A few days later, however, Christina was holding McKay on her lap, and the following conversation ensued:

Christina: Oh, baby! There isn't going to be room for you on my lap when baby brother comes.
McKay: No brother! Sister! Want baby sister!

This was a surprising development. We hadn't attempted to sway McKay either way. We had simply told him a new baby was coming. Truthfully, we weren't convinced he knew the difference between a brother and a sister until that point.

So, we held out on the gender predictions, just on the chance McKay might have gotten some little glimpse of what was to come. We even considered NOT rechecking. In the end, the suspense was too much, so we took another peak. The "turtle sign" was crystal clear. The percentage is now more like 99,9999% that the new baby is, in fact, baby brother.

McKay has a tendency to be stubborn, and still frequent insists that baby sister is coming, though now, after all our explaining, it has become baby brother-sister.

Personally, I don't think he is wrong. I think he is just looking further ahead than us! 3 boys in a row, we will have to see.

Arm: We are having another long child, his arms are a week ahead.
His already in the 90%

Little Foot
Big Head

Big tummy, 2 weeks ahead, boy this kid already eats a lot.

Boy parts

We've having a turtle, look how cute!

I guess we are having another big boy. Most of his stats are above 75%. I just hope he is smaller then McKay was.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Baby Poll- boring I know

Ok I put a poll up for fun. If you already know, no cheating. We already have a pretty good idea of what we are having this time around. We found out about 7 weeks ago. But you never know things can change.

I need to post the side story of about how this all came to be. We went from thinking we couldn't get pregnant, to not being pregnant, to finding out in the ER we were, to wondering if we get to take this baby home.

What are we having the 3rd time around?

Friday, August 19, 2011

Enchanted Island

We went to Enchanted Island tonight, because it was only $5 and we never have been.

Don't drink the water.


Pepsi anyone?

They were giving out free Pepsi. They were having some Pepsi event.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Taking one for the team.

Ok, really more like two for the team, every day.

Warning: I won't lie -- these pictures are gross. So, if you don't want to see them don't look.

Pictures of my gross fat and bruised tummy. These bruises are from my shots that I have to get in my stomach twice a day. Pretty cool!
I really have nothing much to say, I am mainly just documenting a part of my life.
Only 320 shots left! That is only $20,800.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Just for Fun

Here are some pictures we took for McKay's 2-year-old birthday. Mostly, just for fun.

"I didn't want to have to do this, but you've left me no choice. Get ready for the smolder."

Monday, August 1, 2011

What Do You See?

Here is a crappy cell phone video taken of McKay "reading" Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? In addition to being taken on a cell phone, Christina was trying to be discrete during recording, because as soon as McKay thinks he's on camera, he refuses to do whatever it is we wanted to record. That is why there is so much background noise. But, I had to share, because I am indeed a proud papa!