Friday, August 6, 2010

NILMDTS Pictures of Connor

Two miracles occurred the morning of Connor's delivery. First, Christina's mom, Larna, woke up unexpectedly around 2:30 a.m. This was the same time Christina was struggling through the last, and most difficult, part of her labor. Larna quickly got dressed and was already on her way out the door by just after 3 a.m., when we called to tell her Connor had arrived.

Second, Julie Williams, a photographer from Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep was notified of our situation, as was on her way to the hospital in that early hour, just moments after the delivery.

Larna arrived first, followed shortly by the Julie. And here is the real miracle: Both of these wonderful women saw Connor as a perfect and beautiful Child of God, a fact that I had not yet brought into full focus.

As Larna held him, and as the photographer posed him, Connor came alive to me.

I don't feel as if I've explained my feelings very well, but suffice it to say that Christina and I needed help and love and support that morning, and we got it -- some of it coming from a complete stranger (Julie) who quickly earned a cherished place in my heart.

My mom, Sylvia, was also able visit and to hold Connor, as were Christina's sisters Kathryn and Melissa.

Still, the point of this blog is to thank Julie and Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep for an AMAZING service, which is performed with no compensation whatsoever -- and to share the special gift they gave to us: These beautiful pictures of Connor.

As I Lay Me Down to Sleep is a totally non-profit organization, and an amazing one. Should anyone feel the desire to donate to a charity, this is a great one. Also, if anybody knows someone facing a similar situation, I hope you can find a photographer who can help you in the way our photographer helped us. The website is These people are truly amazing.

Also, Julie also operates Impressions Studio & Gallery. If anybody in the Salt Lake City area is in need of a photographer, I would completely and fully recommend Julie for any job. She is as amazing as a person as she is as a photographer.


A womb for rent said...

I love this post! You don't know me but I am a photog for NILMDTS and also a close friend to Julie. I just love her to pieces. And I am so glad you got the opportunity to get amazing pictures. This post is so beautiful as well as your pictures of Connor.

I am so sorry for your heartache! You are in my prayers!

Maria Christensen said...

Thank you for sharing these pictures of your angel. He's so beautiful and looks totally at peace. Our prayers are with you.

-Maria and Richard Christensen

Jenny said...

He is beautiful.

Amyann6 said...

Awww, he is so sweet and beautiful. I love his little feet and cute face. I hope you guys are doing okay. We are thinking of you!

The Robert A. Meier Family said...

Those are real nice pictures. What a great gift.

The Johnson Family said...

Chip-I hope you like the Dad's
60th video with the part about Connor's feet that is one of my favorite parts about the video.

Christine and Alex Figueroa said...

These pictures are just amazing. Thank you for sharing them with us. He's a beautiful child of god. I hope you are both doing ok, our prayers and love are with you.

- Christine and Alex

Our Corner said...

What a sweet little angel. Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures. our thoughts and prayers go out to you.