Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jan in review

January started off with lots of driving -- kind of boring. We didn't do anything fancy for New Years. We didn't even get to watch the ball come down on TV. However, this year was better then last year. (At least Michael wasn't the only one up, because I was sick.) This year we played Rack-o with my sister Lisa and her husband until about 1 a.m. while my niece stayed up watching Disney channel. And when midnight rolled around we toasted and drank our sparkling cider and kept playing cards. We did liven it up a little when we went around the table telling about bad New Year's in the past.

Then we spent the next 2 days in the car driving home. That wasn't fun, but everyone did a pretty good job until about the last 3 hours.

Before I had even gotten home from vacation. I was hunted down and was asked to sing in church the first Sunday back. That was on Jan. 10. I sang with 3 other wonderful ladies. We sang "."

Some pictures:
Christina was feeding McKay and it was going pretty good until she got up from the table. Hit the spoon and baby food went all over McKay's face. 1/4/2010

MOM!! 1/4/2010

McKay was really fussy, so we put in his Bumbo. He was so happy! He just wanted to see what was going on! 1/11/2010

Dad teaching McKay how to make Chicken Enchiladas. 1/11/2010

Cooking with Dad! 1/11/2010

McKay is growing up so fast. He loves this little ball. (so does Bella) He's trying to crawl. 1/13/2010

Almost got it! 1/13/2010

We forgot to take 6 month pictures, and well this is what we have. This is just after we brought McKay home from the hospital. They couldn't get his IV, so they tried every limb he had. They were successful in his foot. I'm so glad he was put out when they were trying to get his IV in. 1/21/2010

I realized I never really explained what happened.
This was an e-mail we sent to family. 1/20/2010

Remember McKay in your prayers tonight. He is going to the hospital tomorrow to get an endoscopy (they are going to look down his throat). The procedure is pretty simple, but they will have to put him under and his daddy is having a really hard time submitting his child to a course of general anesthia when he is so young.

McKay was 16 lbs 15 oz on Monday. I don't know the percentile, but the doctor was concerned that his growth seemed to be slowing significantly, so he wanted to do the endoscopy. We are not sure we want to, but we don't want to miss something important, so we'll grit our teeth and get through it.)

Other happenings:
During the week of January 18-23 it rained and it rained and it rained. Bella didn't even want to go outside.

It rained so much last week, we had lakeside property out on the porch. The water was foot than a foot deep. Bella was swimming. (This is in the courtyard of our apartments.)


Playing with Bella. Feeling good after yesterday!! McKay and Bella are so funny together. McKay just loves watching her. 1/22/2010

She loves sitting by him.

Big Blue eyes!!

Can I have your number??

And the grand finale of the month ended with me in the ER, my sister having a baby and Michael and I speaking in church.

To be continued.....

1 comment:

Cambric said...

mckay is so stinking cute!!! those baby blue eyes are so gorgeous!!!