Tuesday, June 23, 2009

36 weeks and still doing good!

So I finally got to go to the doctor today. Let's just say, it's been kind of wild down here in Blanding . It's been more then a month since my last appointment and I was supposed the be seeing the doctor ever two weeks. Now I'm down to every week.

Anyway, about today: yeah for Strep B test (not) ! As of today, I'm 25 % effaced and 1 cm dilated. I guess that's good. And baby's head is down, but just facing the wrong way as of right now. The problem with that is I get these cute little knees jabbing me in the front and side. Also, since his head is down, I have a lot more pressure which means I feel like I need to pee every 10 minutes, and if I don't go that sec I might pee my pants. And then I barely get an ounce. The joys of carrying a child! But I haven't gained weight for the last two weeks, which is good; I hope it continues.

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