Friday, August 29, 2008

The reason you need a husband

To make a long story short -- OK so the story really isn't that long: For a long time we have been looking for a dresser for our new apartment. Really, we've needed one since we got married. Mostly, we have been looking at yard sales (due to the extreme lack of furniture stores in Blanding). Of course, visiting yard sales led us into a heap of different adventures (including the deer hunt which will be posted soon). Anyway, we had a hard time finding a dresser, but we finally managed to find one, even though we thought it was overpriced. But we needed it, so we dished out the money.

This dumb dresser has been sitting on our porch for the last few weeks, because I won't let Michael bring it into to the house until I inspect it and get every bug that might be hiding in some small crack. Then I got this great idea to paint the dresser. And, if I'm going to paint it, I’ll have to sand it first. So I spent a few more weeks deciding which sander to buy.

And this is why you need men: I’ve been sanding my dresser for the last few days. The top of the dresser is the hardest part to sand. I'm not sure why. Eventually, I got sick of sanding the top and I moved to the drawers. After I was done with a drawer I would pull it out and set it aside. I was down to the second drawer. That's when I found it. A spider. OK. I really can handle spiders. But this wasn't just any spider. It was a Black Widow. I was done sanding.

I asked Michael to kill the widower when he got home for work. We got busy working on other things and forgot about the spider until the next day, when I remembered the dresser. But I could not bring myself to keep sanding. I spent most of the day thinking how I could kill it. I devised all sorts of inventions, but none fit the bill just right.

After giving up on ever conquering the evil thing myself, I asked Michael if he would just kill it today when he got home for lunch. I asked him how he was going to do it. He told me would just use MY House Broom -- the one I use inside the house -- to brush it out of the dresser and then he would smash the spider. Yuck! Spider guts on my broom! Besides, if it was that easy I would have done it myself by now. But before I could stop him it was done.

This isn't the greatest picture but I wasn't getting any closer.

Side-note: This is the second first Black-widow we have killed in the last 2 months.

1 comment:

John-David and Kathryn said...

Yesterday at mom's house I found a spider that could of ate your black widow. I thought it was one of those fake Halloween spiders. We did some strategizing and figures out how to catch the thing. It involved a lot of screaming and a jar but we caught it. Maybe you guys ought to invest in some bug spray, I know mom could use some.